Contractor Negligence In Minnesota: What You Need To Know

Builders seek to build homes in conformity with local building codes and industry standards. Sometimes their work falls short. If that happens, a property owner may be entitled to pursue a contractor negligence claim. Contractor Negligence Defined Contractor negligence claims are among the most common claims asserted against builders. While the term “negligence” is commonly…

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What Is the Deadline To Sue A Contractor In Minnesota?

Minnesota law imposes a short deadline to sue a contractor for construction defects, otherwise known as a statute of limitations. The applicable deadline depends on both the type of community where the home is located and the nature of the claim. Deadline For Home Warranty Claims Minnesota’s home warranty statute provides a one-year warranty for…

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What Does The Minnesota Home Warranty Cover?

Every new home built in Minnesota comes with a Minnesota home warranty. The Minnesota home warranty guarantees that the home will perform in accordance with the building code. The Minnesota home warranty applies to all types of homes, including townhomes, condominiums, apartments, and single-family homes. Minnesota’s home warranty statute provides that in every sale of “dwelling”…

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